Take back the power of your mind.

Hypnosis will help you control your emotions, thoughts, and actions by working with the subconscious mind to form new neural pathways in the brain and overcome limiting beliefs, thus creating new possibilities in your life.

  • Weight Loss

    Hypnosis aids weight loss by addressing the subconscious factors influencing eating habits. It helps individuals reprogram their relationship with food, reduce cravings, and build self-control. By changing the way the mind perceives and responds to food, hypnotherapy supports sustainable weight management and healthy lifestyle changes.

  • Pain Management

    Pain Management

    Hypnotherapy is safe, drug free and also works to support other medical and alternative therapeutic approaches you may be using in your multidisciplinary approach to healing. Together, we can find what’s right for you to gain real improvements in well being and quality of life.

  • Higher Self

    Through a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility, individuals can access their subconscious mind and reprogram negative thought patterns. Hypnotherapy guides clients in identifying and addressing these beliefs, replacing them with empowering, positive ones.

  • Addiction & Habits

    By addressing the root causes and triggers within the subconscious mind, hypnosis helps individuals reframe their relationship with any substances, diminish cravings, and build self-control. This holistic approach aids in breaking the cycle and fostering lasting recovery.

  • Inner Child

    Hypnosis can facilitate inner child healing by guiding individuals into a receptive subconscious state. It enables them to revisit past traumas, unresolved emotions, and childhood experiences. Through therapeutic techniques, hypnotherapy helps individuals nurture and heal their inner child, leading to emotional growth, self-compassion, and profound personal transformation.

  • Past Life

    Hypnosis can assist in exploring past lives through regression therapy. By inducing a deep trance-like state, it enables individuals to access memories and experiences from purported past incarnations. This process can provide insights, heal unresolved issues, and promote spiritual growth by addressing karmic patterns and personal evolution across lifetimes.

How Hypnotherapy Works

Done from the comfort of your own home via zoom, hypnotherapy brings about a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility that taps into the subconscious mind's power.

While in this state, the critical conscious mind becomes less active, allowing access to the subconscious. Here, we will offer positive suggestions, reframe negative thought patterns, and address various issues like anxiety, smoking cessation, relationship issues, or patterns stemming from childhood.

The subconscious mind, more receptive during hypnosis, can then adopt these suggestions, leading to behavioral change and therapeutic benefits.

Hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools for self-improvement and healing.

Gity helped me heal my sugar addiction. I used to need ice cream at the end of every night, and now I don’t even think about it. Plus, I’ve lost weight!

— Pat J.

I wasn’t totally sure I believed in hypnotherapy, but working with Gity has changed that. My neck hasn’t felt relief like this in years.

— Cheryl S.